When your considering ways to get yourself fit, Squash probably isn’t high on the list, maybe you have never tried it. Played inside a hard court using the back wall, squash is a racket based game that has some health benefits that you might find surprising and not have even considered.
Cardio Health:
The ball travels quicker than a tennis ball and players are required to move at a pace to stand a chance of being in the right place. Your opponents job is to make you work, as obviously they want to win so you might find yourself diving for the ball, running to get to the right side of the court and jumping if the ball has gone high. All of these things contribute to raising your heart rate which in turn assist with your cardiovascular health.
Weight Control:
Fast paced movements across the squash court will help to control your weight as burning calories and working up a sweat will all add to weight loss, provided of course you are also maintaining a healthy balanced diet. The more you play squash, the more you will also build hand-eye coordination, and the benefits of a few less kilos will be evident as you find it easier to get to the ball and make the more tricky shots.
Strength Training:
Your own body weight acts as resistance, so while you don't actually lift weights in Squash you will be moving your arms and legs in new ways. This means that muscles get stretched and worked. The first few times you play, you will find that you are sore and stiff the next morning, but don’t give up because a few games later, the benefits to your flexibility will be evident. Because you are regularly reaching for the ball your back will also be stronger and your posture better.
Releasing Stress:
Playing Squash requires a high level of concentration which in turn means that you will have to leave your stress in the locker room as you cannot worry about things while you are playing. When you are intensively using the body, you are also releasing feel-good chemicals that release stress and intensify feelings of happiness. The more we can lower our stress the more we will benefit from a sense of overall wellbeing.
So if you have never tried squash, why not give it a go. There are courts at most leisure centres, and many places offer trial sessions, and you can usually borrow the equipment needed. All you will need is loose fitting clothing like shorts and tee shirts so that you can move quickly. Make sure to avoid injury by doing some stretches before you start and again at the end as your muscles cool down.